Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Beginnings of Rickey PAC

The idea for Rickey PAC can be traced to our friend Jim. In early October he sent an email out to a bunch of us who attended Middlebury College with him.

"I was in Las Vegas a few weeks ago for a trade show and I ran into our old buddy Rickey.

He hasn't changed a bit since the last time I saw him at Fritz's wedding. He's still snide, surly, and sarcastic. Same old Rickey. Love him.

Rickey lives in Nevada. A swing state. And he suggested to me that he may not vote this year.

Like many of you, I live in a state (Vermont) with absolutely no electoral clout whatsoever. Our 3 electoral votes are going to Obama unless he devours a live kitten on national TV on Election Day, and even then I'm not sure they wouldn't.

My vote won't count for much in the grand scheme of things. Neither will the votes of my fellow Vermonters, the Texan, the Californian, nor the Illini I've sent this email to. But Rickey's will.

The fate of the free world may rest in the hands of RICKEY. Just let that sink in for a second, Rickey.

So I'm starting a grassroots Political Action Committee with the sole purpose of getting Rickey to vote. I'm calling it: RickeyPAC."

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